A list of actual decentralized blockchain products beyond what we’ve seen so far: only money, governance, fund raising, and incomplete infrastructure
Here’re some great pics from 3 sectors, and a link to more.
Please comment with your fav projects, but they should be fully live and fully decentralized.
- https://cotrader.com — Sector: Finance: Investment Funds:
CoTrader is launching it’s platform on the Ethereum mainnet this week.
It’s a fully functioning trustless fund management platform.
Its transparent nature stands to disrupt and improve an $85 trillion global investment funds industry (*1) that is growing at about 7.7% estimated to be $145 trillion by 2025 (*2).
More medium articles about CoTrader: https://medium.com/@cotrader.com/after-9-years-of-blockchain-killer-apps-emerge-9fe923cc5ffc
2. Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) — Kyber, 0x, Bancor, CoTrader
Such decentralized exchange projects are fundamental to financial freedom
3. Prediction Markets — Augur
Augur’s fully decentralized prediction markets is live now.
4. A link to more
“State of the dApps” has a list here: https://www.stateofthedapps.com
5. Comment with your fav actual, live, decentralized projects.