CoTrader Daily Dev Updates
3 min readAug 14, 2018

Here are some recent project updates. These are not all updates, but just some of the updates from the development side

Aug 3

Worked on fixing cotrader-platform issues.
— Fixed: 125-disable-exchange-button-if-not-owner
— Fixed: 128-mobile-layout-is-messed-up
— Fixed: 137-show-all-funds-in-public-funds
— Fixed: 138-enable-click-into-funds-u-dont-own
— Fixed: 139-show-name-of-fund-in-my-funds
— Fixed: 156-for-mobile-default-to-fund-box-view
— Fixed: 157-in-popup-for-mobile-ok-should-say-app

Aug 6

1. Troubleshoot issue reported by Telegram user.
2. Tested the issue with All Funds in cotrader-platform.
3. CoTrader Telegram Referral Bot
— 2-put-twitter-check-back-no-passing-it: Updated the code.
— Merged info-command branch to master as well.

Aug 7

1. Troubleshoot issue reported by Telegram user.
2. Worked on cotrader-telegram-referral-bot
— Fixed unknown column ‘task2Answer’ error.
— Changed the challenge question back to the decentralized fund management.
— Reverted the update for Twitter verification feature.
3. Worked on cotrader-platform
— Fixed; 169-remove-3-from-funds-list-view
— Fixed; 166-when-no-funds-fix-whitescreen.
— Fixed; 160-add-fund-owner-to-boxlist-views.
— Fixed; 154-dont-show-alert-if-already-on-web3.

Aug 8

1. Troubleshoot issues of Telegram users.
2. Worked on cotrader-telegram-referral-bot
— Restricted the email verification & moved email task to the front.
3. Worked on cotrader-platform
— Reverted the UI changes on master and dev branch.
— Fixed, 172-rm-demo-from-browser-tab.
— Fixed, 170-fix-box-layout-row-anomoly.
— Inspected the issue in the deployment of referral bot.

Aug 9

1. Redeploy the CoTraderBot with new updates.
2. Fixed the minor issue in a Twitter task.
3. Troubleshoot issue of the Telegram users.
4. Fixed 161-x-page-show-fund-address-w-name in cotrader-platform.
5. Explored DAICO fundraising model.

Aug 10

1. Troubleshoot issue of Telegram users.
2. Worked on cotrader-platform
— Explore the slow loading in Exchange page.
3. Worked on cotrader-telegram-referral-bot
— Inspect the issue in the deployment.
— Test deploying the development bot on the server.

Aug 13

1. Inspected the issue ‘TELEGRAM: 409 Conflict’ occur in the referral Bot.
2. Troubleshoot issues of Telegram users.
3. Code update for ‘176-fix-my-profit-in-my-funds-its-0’ task.
4. Code revert from All Funds to Other FundsAug 14

Aug 14

- Fixed column size glitch in Smart Funds.
— Fixed ‘177-add-my-holdings-to-my-funds-list-view’ issue.
— Fixed ‘161-x-page-show-fund-address-w-name’ issue.
— Fixed ‘149-pending-txs-text-spills-out-of-box’ issue.
— Worked on ‘176-fix-my-profit-in-my-funds-its-0’ issue.



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