Fewer than 0.1% of ICOs ever release a product, but CoTrader is live on Ethereum before its ICO
https://CoTrader.com has a working product before its ICO. This is very rare.
Most ICO projects never make or release a blockchain project for their cryptocurrency.
CoTrader aims to disrupt the $85 trillion global investment funds industry with the world’s first trustless blockchain funds marketplace.
CoTrader enables investors, called CoTraders, to invest with the best, and have their crypto funds managed by the best fund managers. Unlike in competing platforms, CoTraders always have control over their assets. Investors, or depositors into CoTrader Smart Funds, can withdraw their assets at any time.
CoTrader decouples fund management from fund custodianship. Fund managers can only make trades to swap different assets in the Smart Funds, but can never withdraw anyone else’s funds. That is, unlike anytime before in history, investors don’t need to give up control of their funds to have them managed.
Fund managers can choose a performance fee and compete for CoTrader funds in an open marketplace. For example, if a fund manager sets a 20% performance fee, and turns 10 ETH into 100 ETH, he’d keep 20 ETH. Investors, or CoTraders, that see his past ROI of 10x, and agree to his 20% fee, can send ETH to his Smart Fund. Fees and ROI reporting is then assured by transparent smart contracts.
Network effects: fund managers and influencers are strongly incentivized to do their best for their CoTraders, and spread the word, to multiply their investing leverage. If a top trader is managing 1000x their own funds, and charges 10% performance fee, he’s 100x his normal earnings. If the manager would earn just 2x over some period of time, he’d earn 200x if managing such a large pool.
The CoTrader MVP already supports Cryptos, and plans to soon support ICOs, stocks, shorts, options and derivatives. CoTrader can tokenize entire exchanges with it’s Smart Escrow exchange protocol, and can run on any smart contract powered platform, from Ethereum, to EOS, NEO, or Hashgraph.
CoTrader pools together the liquidity of many decentralized exchanges (DEXs) such as Kyber, Bancor, 0x and more, to form a Super-DEX for maximim liquidity.
Items in CoTrader’s Road Map:
CoTrader’s patent-pending technology will hide the trading strategies of fund managers even while cryptographically proving fund fees and past ROIs. The algorithms are protocol-agnostic and can utilize any privacy-preserving smart-contracts mechanisms from zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs like zk-SNARKs, zk-STARKs, Bulletproofs, or ring signatures. The first implementation uses ZK interactive proofs using a hyperledger. CoTrader is working with teams such as Sedicii to implement these capabilities.
CoTrader will have its own DEX to trade its funds tokens. Every CoTrader fund has its own tokens. This means that if a fund enters an ICO, to receive ICO futures tokens, CoTraders invested into the fund can trade away the ICO futures before the tokens arrive, in a trustless way.
CoTrader will build a Smart Escrow exchange whereby users can trade with the liquidity and variety of any centralized exchange, from the likes of Binance to Ameritrade, with the safety and transparency of a DEX.
CoTrader is the investment platform of the future, live now, on the Ethereum testnet. It will be on the mainnet within 2 weeks, in July 2018.
Those interested in financial freedom can get tokens and ensure full access to the platform, now.
CoTrader COT are a technological requirement, a utility, to hide the trading strategy of fund managers, while still allowing CoTraders to know their ROI. CoTrader will take a small fee from fund managers’ performance fees, which will be used to buy back COT. A CoTrader DAO will manage these COT tokens to progress the platform forward, to future proof the platform.
CoTrader’s mission is to increase financial freedom for people all around the world by enabling them to invest with the best, instead of spending 24/7 researching the market in suboptimal investment strategies. CoTrader aims to direct funds to good projects to provide a win-win-win for investors, and for fund managers, and for good community projects.
https://cotrader.com sale is starting soon, so make sure you join the social news channels and stay tuned.
Twitter news: http://twitter.com/cotrader_com
Telegram news: http://t.me/cotraders
Want more? Here’s an article on what makes a killer blockchain app: https://medium.com/@cotrader.com/after-9-years-of-blockchain-killer-apps-emerge-9fe923cc5ffc